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Commentary & Insight From S?nnet Beskerming

Covering news on emerging threats, advice on good security practices, analysis, explanation of technical news items, and brief, accurate, non-biased synopsis of security-focussed technology trends, S?nnet Beskerming commentary is many things.

Whether you call it a blog, online journalism, or commentary on events, this is where you can find and search all relevant articles published by S?nnet Beskerming.

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Available entries
Microsoft 'Surprised' by 0.1% Infection Rate
Posted in: Information Security
Microsoft have been collecting information from their Malicious Software Removal Tool (MSRT) and their Windows Defender initiative and a recent statistic has 'surprised' them. After adding support for some malware that had been circulating since the middle of last year (a six month delay in recognit....
Posted: 10 April 2006 12:00

Sadmin Revisited - It's OK, the NSA Should Have a Copy
Posted in: Information Security
Following on from speculation in the 'Exploits Ahoy!' post, timely reporting on the discovery of a cross-platform Proof of Concept (PoC) virus has rattled a few cages amongst the security community. In its current form, the PoC demonstrates that Linux ELF binaries and Windows .exe files can be poten....
Posted: 9 April 2006 12:00

Exploits Ahoy!
Posted in: Information Security
Long-suffering Internet browser, Internet Explorer, has had another vulnerability disclosed. Initially announced for Internet Explorer 6.x and 7 Beta, similar vulnerabilities are also said to affect Firefox and Opera browsers. While a successful exploitation of the Opera vulnerability can lead to ar....
Posted: 8 April 2006 12:00

Fuzzy Wuzzy Was a Bear
Posted in: Information Security
What is Fuzzing, and why do I need to know?

Fuzzing is the latest vulnerability discovery method to attract widespread attention from researchers and hackers alike. It is essentially the process of forcing an application or software function to accept input that may not be valid, in order to disc....
Posted: 8 April 2006 12:00

This Government's Security Brought to you by Microsoft
Posted in: Information Security
Who don't you want to get in, today?

The Australian IT section has reported on the imminent announcement by the Australian Attorney General's Department that they have extended a 2003 agreement with Microsoft (the shared source agreement) to cover information security. The extended agreement clai....
Posted: 5 April 2006 12:00

An Alert for Australian Admins
Posted in: Information Security
Growing political angst between Australia and Indonesia is starting to be played out online. Tit-for-tat political cartoons were printed over the last week following the Australian decision to temporarily accept a number of West Papuans as refugees and the political situation has been described as '....
Posted: 4 April 2006 12:00

News You Might Have Missed
Posted in: Information Security
A wrapup of some of the news stories from the last several days that you might have missed, or which grabbed our attention.

Social Engineering Improving

Numerous sites have reported on the increasing use of extracts from real news stories as attempts to attract victims to websites where they a....
Posted: 3 April 2006 12:00

Careful, Your Bias is Showing
Posted in: Information Security
Online flamefests, arguments, and other disagreements don't need much to start them off, especially if their root division goes back many years. A poor quote from an source, that was repeated in a Washington Post blog, started a mini flamewar over the relative security of OS X, Linux and Windows sys....
Posted: 3 April 2006 12:00

April Fools
Posted in: Information Security
Though many sites vary in their observance of April Fool's Day, it does make it more difficult to filter the legitimate from the irrelevant in terms of Information Security research. News stories such as China purchasing Google, US President George Bush installing himself for a third term, and Duke ....
Posted: 3 April 2006 12:00

Posts from February, 2025.