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Commentary & Insight From S?nnet Beskerming

Covering news on emerging threats, advice on good security practices, analysis, explanation of technical news items, and brief, accurate, non-biased synopsis of security-focussed technology trends, S?nnet Beskerming commentary is many things.

Whether you call it a blog, online journalism, or commentary on events, this is where you can find and search all relevant articles published by S?nnet Beskerming.

All articles will eventually be made available free of charge, however some content is initially only available to paying subscribers.

Available entries
Posted in: Information Security
In the lead up to last year's national election in Australia there were a range of promises made by the incumbent government, under the name NetAlert, which was reported to be for a range of projects including Internet blocking software at the user end, tracking down online predators, and filtering ....
Posted: 28 October 2008 00:42

Critical Out-of-Cycle Patch from Microsoft (MS08-067)
Posted in: Information Security
From first alert on Tuesday, to patch release on Thursday, Microsoft has rushed an out-of-cycle patch out to Windows users, acting on a privately reported problem affecting the core Windows kernel.

In some detail, the vulnerability is a problem with the way that Windows handles Remote Procedure C....
Posted: 24 October 2008 18:17

Microsoft's October 2008 Patches (and an OS X Update)
Posted in: Information Security
October's Security Patch Release from Microsoft has seen 11 patches provided. Four of the patches were identified as Critical, six as Important, and one as Moderate. An advisory release was also provided, but not listed with a MS08- number, which provided killbit settings for a number of third par....
Posted: 17 October 2008 21:31

Don't Forget Your Oracle Patches
Posted in: Information Security
In a week when Microsoft released eleven patches, and an advisory, and Apple released a Security Update (actually released last week), some people might have been forgiven for missing Oracle's quarterly patch release, which coincided with Microsoft's releases this month.

41 vulnerabilities were ....
Posted: 17 October 2008 16:28

Microsoft's October Patch Release Advance Notice
Posted in: Information Security
Microsoft's Security Response Centre has provided advanced notification of this month's expected Microsoft security patches.

After only a handful of patches were released with September's update Microsoft are expecting to release 11 patches for October.

Of the 11 patches, four attract Microsof....
Posted: 11 October 2008 23:26

Fact Checking Helps
Posted in: Information Security
In the last few weeks there have been a handful of standout cases where poor reporting on an issue, including fake reports, led to significant negative outcomes for the companies involved. A couple of weeks ago it was a poorly dated news article about a United Airlines bankruptcy from several years....
Posted: 7 October 2008 00:31

Governments Listen to You - Just Not The Way You Think
Posted in: Information Security
It should have come as no real surprise that Skype's China-based partner had been intercepting, logging, and even blocking text messages traversing the Skype network through China. A Canadian research group discovered the activity after breaching the insecure Chinese servers (which in itself was a ....
Posted: 7 October 2008 00:28

Survey Results Unsurprisingly in Favour of Company That Paid for Them
Posted in: Information Security
Any time that the results of a new survey are announced, especially a survey that seems to paint a company in a positive light, questions must be asked as to who is responsible for the funding and setup of the particular survey or analysis. Generally, it is the company being reported on favourably ....
Posted: 6 October 2008 08:18

Posts from February, 2025.