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Commentary & Insight From S?nnet Beskerming

Covering news on emerging threats, advice on good security practices, analysis, explanation of technical news items, and brief, accurate, non-biased synopsis of security-focussed technology trends, S?nnet Beskerming commentary is many things.

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Available entries
External RSS Management Migrations
Posted in: Information Security
From the time that Google acquired FeedBurner in 2007, there has been a slow but ongoing push to move services across to Google-hosted equivalents. As of this weekend, specifically February 28, it is expected that FeedBurner accounts will have been completely moved across to Google Accounts and tha....
Posted: 26 February 2009 18:36

A Data Breach In The Tea Leaves, Or Tilting At Windmills?
Posted in: Information Security
Intelligence analysts and operatives are expert at the collection and analysis of seemingly irrelevant snippets of data as they build and form a picture of what is going on.

This sort of skill is beginning to find a home amongst some Information Security researchers and it has led an increasing n....
Posted: 25 February 2009 01:40

Getting More Information About Conficker
Posted in: Information Security
With the reported detection of Conficker B++ in the last week, there is now developing a difference in how antimalware companies are detecting and reporting this particular variant. Despite the almost complete widespread adoption of B++ as the identifier, Microsoft have commenced detecting and repo....
Posted: 24 February 2009 01:00

The mysterious case of the inactive botnet
Posted in: Information Security
If you controlled somewhere around 12 million PCs, what would you do with all that power?

That is a question that not many people get the chance to answer for real, but there is at least one hacker out there who does. The unknown developer(s) of Conficker have, by last estimate, more than 12 mil....
Posted: 17 February 2009 19:54

Backup Policies Can Really Save Businesses
Posted in: Information Security
At the end of January, social bookmarking site, Ma.gnolia suffered a significant data corruption and loss incident, resulting in what initially appeared to be a complete loss of user supplied data.

In the fortnight since the initial loss of data, there have been several improvements that have bee....
Posted: 13 February 2009 22:07

1234567890 on Black Friday
Posted in: Information Security
Strange things tend to happen when notable timestamps are reached. It may not seem like it would be much of a problem, but the whole Y2K concern was a result of the fear that systems and software that were coded to handle two digit years and not four digit years would have major problems with the r....
Posted: 4 February 2009 19:25

Google Demonstrates Risk of Filtering Systems
Posted in: Information Security
Over the weekend it has been hard to avoid the news that Google inadvertently marked the whole Internet as dangerous and "may harm your computer", at least that was what search results were returning. What had happened, according to Google, was that the filtering list being used to identify which s....
Posted: 2 February 2009 10:11

Posts from October, 2024.